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The Bugle View: Big decisions with a new and unified Council

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The Bugle

16 October 2024, 5:22 AM

The Bugle View: Big decisions with a new and unified Council

Change was in the air on the night of October 15 as Councillor Cameron McDonald was elected Mayor, unopposed. Much of the previous scuttlebutt about multiple Councillors putting their hand up for the prized position had dissipated by the time his lone nomination came in – no doubt some deals were done to secure smooth passage and a functioning Council (at least for now!). 


A little different for the Deputy Mayor with newcomer Councillor Melissa Matters pipping the incumbent Councillor Imogen Draisma for the position. 


The ‘Community minded, business focused’ ticket of McDonald, Matters and Councillor Erica Warren continues to go from strength to strength, signifying that the change the community has been after for a number of years, is finally here.  


Mayor McDonald was clearly nervous as he took up the mantle and his acceptance speech which spoke tackling ‘the challenges of today and tomorrow’ to make choices ‘that will shape the future of our community for many years to come’.


The Bugle’s View is that the community should welcome this nervous energy, excitement, and levelheadedness. McDonald’s lack of a sense of entitlement was only matched by his rationality when he says the new Councillors do not take the community’s faith in them, for granted. For too long we have been beset by representatives who had no problem with introspection and self-entitlement, when they should have been focusing on what’s best for their community. 


McDonald also spoke about Councillors assisting each other, a sentiment echoed by Deputy Matters who said she was ‘looking forward to cooperating and unity within Council’ as they ‘have a lot of big decisions to make’. 


Out with the pettiness, dysfunction and legal claims at ten paces, in with collaboration, togetherness and a shared responsibility! We at The Bugle are just about ready to sit down, rejoice and sing Kumbaya!


Of course, it’s early days for this brave new world – it is clear that there will be big decisions that will impact the community whether that be growth, rate rises or a change to services. But the Bugle’s View is that we are glad that our Council is being up front with us from the outset, and not seeking to blame the decisions of the previous Council, as has so often been the case. 


So, congratulations to Mayor McDonald, Deputy Mayor Matters, and the other seven Councillors.


The Bugle looks forward to seeing your positive impacts on our community, ensuring that big decisions have the entire community in mind, and working with you and the rest of Council staff to deliver the news – whether good or bad.