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The Bugle View: Green shoots appearing

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28 November 2024, 7:00 PM

The Bugle View: Green shoots appearing

The November 2024 Ordinary Meeting of Kiama Council was what some may consider the first instance where our new Councillors were put in the position of making consequential decisions, on a number of issues.


Against the backdrop of an ever-growing and astronomical legal bill that is likely to exceed more than $6m in 2024, the Councillors chose the path of least resistance and ultimately sent a pretty clear signal that they support business, investment and progress. 


Two development applications for proposals at 105 – 107 Fern Street Gerringong and 85 Barney Street Kiama sought to exceed the maximum allowable height limit, and both were subsequently approved by the Council, subject to conditions. 


The previous Council likely would have objected and called in the lawyers to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars of ratepayer money. And for what? To say that they were proudly anti-development and anti-change? It was only April this year that the Fountaindale Groups' Golden Valley development at Jamberoo (which was also recommended for approval by Council staff) was subsequently refused by Council. It went through a lengthy and costly court process, various barb from former Councillors in the media, and ultimately resulted in Council staff coming to a resolution with the developer prior to a court case. 


Foutaindale Group Director Jennifer Macquarie said at the time that it “was purely the local politics that stood in the way. It had nothing to do with the technical complexity.”


If the Fern Street and Barney Street examples are anything to go by then it looks as though this Council, led by Mayor McDonald will be far more pragmatic and sympathetic. Sympathetic not only to those seeking to invest in jobs, our local economy and housing, but also sympathetic to treating our ratepayer dollars with the utmost respect.


There is no doubting that because of the previous Council’s actions, this Council will be forced to make tough financial decisions.


In another demonstration of this Council’s desire to tackle tough subjects, head on, there was significant debate about the controversial Growth and Housing Strategy. A majority of Council resolved to have Council staff report a draft strategy back to Council in February 2025 for further community consultation with a view of finalising the approach to housing and development by June 2025.


Whilst it is still early days into this Council’s four-year term, The Bugle’s View is that there are green shoots appearing with a distinct change in attitude, demeanor and approach. Gone is the infighting, grandstanding, silencing of dissent and the community is better for it.


We are only two months in, and who knows, we may see out the year without an anonymous code of conduct complaint and investigation.