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Unlocking developer contribution funds

The Bugle App

Cathy Law

12 April 2022, 1:47 AM

Unlocking developer contribution funds

The first steps are being taken to give Council access to $4.7 million, collected from developers over the years, that has been in limbo since all the projects allocated to various contribution plans have been completed.

The developer contributions, now known as Local Infrastructure Contributions, are collected to help fund associated infrastructure, such as parks, community facilities, roads, footpaths and traffic management.

“Council’s development contribution plans are well beyond their intended timeframe, with the oldest plans being established in 1993,” says a Council spokesperson.

“Within Council’s adopted Strategic Planning Works Program and the Local Strategic Planning Statement (adopted in 2020), Council has committed to preparing updated contribution plans in conjunction with the preparation of the Kiama Local Housing Strategy.

“While the new contribution plans are developed, interim amendments can be made to Council’s existing plans to ensure collected funds can be spent on infrastructure requirements throughout the Municipality rather than sitting idly as restricted assets.”

Boat ramp work is part of the program

Draft work schedules have been developed utilising Council’s existing five year capital works program projects and scheduled renewal.

If the money was not able to be accessed from here, it would have to be funded from elsewhere in the budget or through applying for grants.

While the changes proposed include a range of renewal projects, predominately footpath and road improvements, the opportunity has also been taken to propose employing a dedicated Development Contribution Officer to oversee the development and ongoing administration of the plans.

“This position is established in most councils, to support the developer contribution framework and has been a gap in our organisation for some time,” says the Council spokesperson.

“Allowing for the position to be fully funded from existing and future contributions, which is permissible under the legislative requirements, will enable this important part of Council’s revenue and ongoing delivery of infrastructure and facilities to our community to be appropriately resourced, monitored and remain contemporary.”

Amongst the many road, bridge, footpath, cycleway and carpark projects included in the work schedules is $1.5 million for the extension of the Council Administration building (included in 2024/5); $92,000 for the Kiama Harbour boat ramp/boat handling jetty; and $300,000 for Hindmarsh Park and Kiama Harbour ‘Embelishments’.

Public exhibition from Monday 11 April to Friday 13 May (extra time due to Easter). View on the Your Say section of