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Well done Bugle and all its writers

The Bugle App

Local Contributor

06 August 2024, 6:34 AM

Well done Bugle and all its writers

Well done Bugle and all its writers.

It is wonderful to read your forthright articles and Editorials regarding Kiama and its citizens and their access to Kiama Council.

This is a rare thing in this "Woke Age" where open discussion and personal expressions are put forward as the Bugle does. Only to be damned, disregarded and put down by those who were elected to represent the citizens who seem to make their judgment based on Political Party lines and not their own as happens more and more in society today. Their voices are not their own, they merely repeat what they are told to say by anonymous men/women in dark out of sight places.

Candidates who run for office must be fully independent and not echo petty party lines as seem to be the case in Kiama.

This follows through to the election of a mayor as is the case in Kiama who is elected by the political whims of party hacks and not in the interest of those they claim falsely to represent. The citizens must vote for an Independent, unbiased mayor not Council members.. 

Public access to Council matters must be allowed with open forums on a regular basis with open and frank discussion at all times so the mayor and council are fully aware of the mood of the citizens they supposedly represent.

What is happening is biased local government and not in the interest of the wider population of the area they represent. It is only in the Interest of those who dictate to Council members based on their ideals, not the councilors own thoughts. They must be based on the interest of the community they claim to represent only.

Please keep up your writing to show just who really cares what goes on in the closeted Council Offices. It is refreshing to see your efforts to let people know what actually goes on in their area.

Keep it up, a voice like yours is needed.

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