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Youth Call Out

The Bugle App

Bugle Staff Writer

12 August 2024, 2:03 AM

Youth Call Out

Are you aged 18-25 and living in the Kiama LGA? Want to make a real impact? We want to hear from YOU!

Join our Youth Forum and make your voice heard – we will notify you of upcoming events.

What’s Life Like in Kiama for You?

We’re curious:

  • What’s awesome about living in Kiama?
  • What’s tough?
  • What changes would make Kiama better for young people?

Your Chance to Shine!

This is your platform to:

  • Share your stories and ideas.
  • Give advice to the candidates running for council.
  • Ask the tough questions directly to the candidates.

Why Should You Join?

  • Be the Change: Your thoughts can shape Kiama’s future.
  • Get Heard: Make sure your voice matters.
  • Meet Cool People: Connect with other passionate young people.
  • Broadcast with us: Kiama Community Radio
  • Publish with us: The Bugle Newspaper

Plus, Some Perks!

  • Free Snacks: Tasty Treats!
  • Networking Opportunities: Meet influencers and local leaders.
  • Certificate of Participation: Boost your resume!

Kiama needs more young voices!

How to Get Involved:

  1. Register Now: email us on with your name/email/phone: [email protected]
  2. Stay Updated: Youth matters 
  3. Spread the Word: Tell your friends to join and be part of the change!

For more check out the Local Bugle Newspaper.

Don’t miss this chance to shape Kiama’s future! We can’t wait to hear from you!