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Gerringong Gazette

The Gerringong farming story of Bobby the calf
The Gerringong farming story of Bobby the calf

20 July 2024, 8:00 PM

By Clive EmeryJust another day in the life of a farmer - here’s a lovely story about Bobby - a calf that had to be hand reared. It was just a week since I had transferred all my cattle from the Blackhead area to the 'dam' paddock (so called because it was watered by an everlasting spring) constructed 45 years ago during one of the many 'dry' seasons the coast periodically experiences. The dam was situated below this eternal spring.I had waited to do the transfer of the cattle until a matronly beast had calved, and having observed the event was over and a little calf at her side, the cattle were called to the gate and admitted into a new paddock. They had hardly entered before they began to graze on the lush fresh pasture. Returning home, I marked down the date of transfer: 10.12.1995.On the morning of December 17, with breakfast over, I received a call from Vivienne Atkins of Gerroa to say that with the aid of her binoculars she could see a little black and white calf near Shelly Beach, and thought it could belong to me. I thanked her and said I would investigate at once, since I had recently transferred the cattle, and thought the calf could have slipped through the fence.The dawn found me with the cattle, and noted the mother and calf, which was pleasing to all parties. However since Shelly Beach was a considerable way off and the lady had taken the trouble to ring, I felt a thorough investigation should be done. As I crested the ridge and Shelly Beach came into view, sure enough there I spotted a calf resting near the boundary fence under the shelter of a small tree. Hastening down I found a little bull calf well and strong, and upon examination I found it to be a twin! It was apparent the Mother had brought it to life that night after the first birth, and it had slipped under the fence. The two calves had been born 600 metres apart!  Gathering the little fellow in my arms I carried him to the top of the hill to his mother. He could not have had any sustenance for seven days, and was indeed a hungry fellow. His mother was interested in him, but was not going to allow him to have a suck, and kicked him off each time he made an attempt to suckle her.I tried with the two calves, but she would only take her first-born and not the second. It was frustrating for all concerned. It had rained during the seven days, and her 'smell' on the little one was not strong enough for her to admit ownership of him, which is not unusual.I left them to become acquainted in peace, and would come over in the early morning, which is when mothers and babies usually suckle. It is a good time to be on hand to help.  However, the mother was still determined her second calf was not going to suckle her, and after half an hour with my help she consistently refused to cooperate.Gathering the little fellow in my arms once more I placed him in my lorry and brought him home to rear. My wife Elva was not amused at all at us having the responsibility of another baby, but relented rather reluctantly. It was twenty-six years since I had done such a thing, of which she was aware.'Bobby' I called him, and from the first moment he was an eager feeder, relishing the sweetened milk offered. I had an ideal shed for him in the back garden, and in a few days we became quite good friends, and it was not long before he recognised my voice and his own name, and would arise to welcome me immediately I called. While he fed he wagged his tail to demonstrate his enjoyment, and I massaged his back meanwhile, just as his mother would have done licking him, and he bunted the bucket just as he would if he was feeding from his mother.After each meal we would go for a race among the shrubbery in the back garden, with me leading the way. At first I would not try to elude him, but I soon found he could keep pace with me, and we made a game of it. I began to dodge among the bushes and he would take short cuts and catch me up and bunt me.As he grew stronger I changed his diet a little, and gradually encouraged him to eat grass and grain. I bought some calf pellets and introduced them to his diet by putting them in his mouth to chew, and after feeding time leave some in his bucket for later. Yesterday I caught Elva taking a peep at him over the fence and calling his name. She was pleased to see that Bobby was coming along so well.In time he was released into the grass paddock to care for himself, but he would always raise his head if anyone said the word 'Bobby'.I will miss him of course; he was so responsive, but one cannot go on racing about the garden like a madman, can one?

Life in Gerringong for farm boys and girls 100 years ago
Life in Gerringong for farm boys and girls 100 years ago

13 July 2024, 9:00 PM

So, your children are complaining about how hard life is nowadays. Get them to compare their life with this account, written by Clive Emery, from when he was a child about 100 years ago:The education of a country boy or girl is not limited to the classroom. In my own experience, a lot of learning took place beyond textbooks and school curriculum. Experience, a great teacherThis is an area where the country child had an advantage over their city cousin, as we discovered when they were visiting us during school holidays. Some of the duties we performed filled them with horror, like the killing and skinning of calves and the beheading, plucking and cleaning of roosters for the baking pan, but a quite ordinarily part of life in the country. The milk they drank came out of a bottle, and they shook with excitement or terror to be asked to touch a cow's teat and draw forth a few drops of milk.There were farm duties, which simply had to be done: the milking, the washing, the cleaning, the gathering of the cattle, the feeding of cows, of calves, of pigs and horses and the ploughing of land and the sowing of crops all done in all weathers. Not just on one day, but every day in rain, hail or sunshine.This was much self-discipline in getting out of bed at the crack of dawn each morning and dressing oneself ready for work. When the milking was finished, there was the separation of cream from the milk, the turning of the separator, 55 turns per minute exactly – almost one per second – or the butterfat test would be low. That was where I learned to count, every minute of every day. And so apportion time to my greatest and smallest task, which led me to believe there was not a minute to be lost and life was too short to waste a day, forever timing myself in all occupations.The understanding schoolmasterCalf-feeding time, with a dozen heads poking through bars of a gate, straining, eager, hungry. Two heads to a bucket of frothy separated milk: The bunting, the sucking of ears or fingers afterwards, the satisfaction of feeling you were needed. The calves were dependent upon your ability to satisfy their appetite, you were their master and that was a responsibility, a trust if you like, and also a joy! It was the same with all the animals and poultry. Each boy was allotted his own tasks to manage and to discharge.Breakfast on school mornings was usually eaten as the school bell was ringing. Neither my brother nor I was ever in the playground to hear it ring, despite our efforts. The schoolmaster never demanded a note when we sat in class late, and we were given time to copy the chalked message from the board. The only notes taken were to explain our reason for missing school days, and they were exceptional.Saturdays may be a holiday from lessons at school, but it was not a holiday on the farm. There were fences to repair, ferns to brush, tussocks to dig or cattle to muster – perhaps all four, depending on the day and the urgency. We had a boundary of about eight kilometres of fencing to maintain, and it fell to me most Saturdays to service these fences, carrying hammer and staples and a small roll of barbed wire, in case of need.Adventures in the mountainsSundays between breakfast and lunch were often spent climbing the mountain forests, if the farm work was up to date, we scaled the cliffs for rock lilies in the spring, called the Wongas in the dank forest, or listened to the shrill calls of the lyrebird, or sat by a mountain stream to wait for the birds or foxes or native cats coming to slake their thirst. In the grassland, we set snares where the hares had their running tracks and trapped the rabbits on their favourite mounds. We sat by the mountain moses watching the bees watering, and then followed them to their nests, often trying the methods the black used. That of attaching a piece of thistledown to the sucking bee to make it more visible on its way to the nest, with little success, however.Then it was back home for a quick wash and dress for Sunday school before milking time, walking another mile to the church; perhaps a chance ride with Mr. Rankin in his Sulky, if there was room, mostly not for our troop of four or five was too large. After the psalms, it was back to bring the herd in for milking.The world at our feetWe always ran a garden throughout the year, learned the vegetables and their seasons for cropping and harvesting, and were applauded for our results by the household in general.  We participated in exhibitions and competitions with moderate results, always striving for excellence in type and taste.We fished the creek for perch, mostly at night, with tiny lanterns with light enough to see to bait the hook, while the owls hooted, and the flying foxes screeched as they fed in the big Moreton Bay Fig nearby.Before we left school, we were ploughing fields, erecting three-rail fences using axe and adze and mortising axe, riding horses and laying concrete.We could identify birds by their call, if not by sight, and trees by their fruit, if not by their flower. We collect the eggs of the water goanna and hatched them on the verandah floor in the sun for a lark, saw the leathery egg begin to wriggle then split open and the lively youngsters make immediate haste to the shelter of a garden bed of flowers within seconds of their birth.The world was at our feet in the valley! It was alive with life, possibilities and places for experiment and achievement. We indulged in family and competition sports at every opportunity and read books by E.S.Ellis and Zane Grey, which whetted out appetites for adventure, believing everything was within reach if one only stretched out one's hand for it.

Jeans for Genes trivia night & denim quilt raffle fundraiser
Jeans for Genes trivia night & denim quilt raffle fundraiser

10 July 2024, 8:00 PM

Mark your calendars for Friday, August 2nd, as Gerringong gears up for Jeans for Genes Day with an exciting Trivia Night and Denim Quilt Raffle. Hosted by the Children’s Medical ResearchInstitute Gerringong Committee, this event aims to raise crucial funds for research into genetic diseases affecting 1 in 20 children. Enjoy a lively evening of trivia, music, and community spirit.Don’t miss your chance to win fantastic prizes in the multi-draw raffle, including a stunning denim quilt crafted by the Kiama Quilters Guild and quilted by Carol Tabone of Shoalhaven Quilting, generously donated to CMRI.Supporters can also purchase Jeans for Genes pens, badges, and quilt raffle tickets at IGA Gerringong on July 26th, 27th, August 1st, and 2nd.Local students from Gerringong Public School and Kiama High are pitching in with a mufti day and gold coin donations. Additionally, businesses throughout the community are contributing to the cause through raffle donations and merchandise sales.Gerringong Public School students supporting the campaign. Standing Sienna Woolley, from left Teddy Brierty, Wally Brierty and Spencer WoolleyThis event isn’t just about fun and games—it’s about funding research that could lead to cures for devastating genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, and metabolic disorders, among others.Learn more about the science behind genetic diseases and the promising advancements in gene therapy, which aims to correct DNA errors and restore normal cellular function.Researchers at CMRI are at the forefront, pioneering gene therapy treatments that could revolutionize medical care worldwide.Gerringong Public School students supporting the campaign . From left Teddy Brierty, Sienna Woolley, Spencer Woolley and Wally BriertyYour participation and support at the Jeans for Genes Trivia Night make a direct impact on ongoing research efforts. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of children facing genetic diseases.Details: Gerroa Boat Fisherman’s Club –Tickets are available at for $30 per person. Enjoy nibbles, drinks at bar prices, andtake advantage of the courtesy bus service (book through the club).Jeans for Genes Trivia Night & Denim Quilt RaffleFriday 2nd August is Jeans for Genes Day and all funds raised by Children’s Medical Research Institute Gerringong Committee will support the research that is finding cures for genetic diseases that impact on 1 in 20 children who face a birth defect or genetic disease.Tickets for the Trivia Night at the Gerroa Boat Fisherman’s Club are on sale at$30 per person, nibblies provided, drinks at bar prices, courtesy bus (book through the club). There will be a multi draw raffle and denim quilt raffle tickets for sale and drawn on the night. The quilt was created by the Kiama Quilters Guild, quilted by Carol Tabone of Shoalhaven Quilting and donated to CMRI.Jeans for Genes pens and badges as well as quilt raffle tickets will be sold at IGA Gerringong on 26th, 27th July, 1st & 2nd August.Students at Gerringong Public School and Kiama High will be helping us to raise funds by having a mufti day and gold coin donation. Local businesses also support the cause with donations for the raffle and by selling merchandise.Come to the Trivia Night and enjoy a fast game with music trivia included and comperes Glen Isemonger and Dave Peade keeping the fun and the questions moving! It’s all about raising funds for research that gives us the cures.What Causes A Genetic Disease?Genetic diseases are caused by errors in our DNA, the instructions for making ‘us’. DNA is the source of information for all the cells in our body, telling them what to do every second of every day.When something goes wrong with those instructions, it means some part of our body doesn’t function properly, leading to a life-threatening genetic disease like cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, metabolic disorders or even cancer.The best way to treat or cure many of these conditions is to correct the problem at the source, to correct the DNA. That’s what gene therapy does.How Does Gene Therapy Work?A gene with the correct DNA information is inserted into a vector (usually one called AAV), which is harmless but functions as a delivery vehicle that can go into the cells of a patient to correct the DNA information and restore normal function. This is already being used to treat diseaseslike haemophilia and spinal muscular atrophy.More advanced technology being developed goes a step further, equipping these AAV vectors with the ability to scan billions of letters of the genetic code, find the single error causing a genetic disease, and precisely correct it in the patient’s DNA. In this case, instead of just being a delivery vehicle, the AAV acts like a microscopic scalpel, performing surgery on the DNA to cure a genetic disease.How Are We Making A Difference?Currently, AAV works well with blood and liver diseases, but Dr Lisowski’s team at CMRI is advancing AAV technology, developing vectors that work in muscle, brain, retina and other organs to cure even more types of genetic diseases.The scientists and clinicians at Children’s Medical Research Institute conducted the first ever clinical trial to correct a genetic disease using gene therapy in Australia (SCID-X1 deficiency or "boy in the bubble disease"). They were also the first outside North America to trial a cure for spinal muscular atrophy, and a gene therapy we’ve developed in Australia for metabolic liver disease is entering clinical trials in the UK. Right now, we are working on a cure for Propionic Acidemia and other previously incurable genetic diseases.

Gerringong Women's Bowling Club News
Gerringong Women's Bowling Club News

18 June 2024, 10:00 PM

Gwendoline Wilson has been a long-time member of Gerringong Women’s Bowling Club. Gwen celebrated her 104th birthday on 7 June. What a” grand ol’ lady of bowls”! Gwen became a fully affiliated bowler on 5 October, 1959. At that time, negotiations were underway to build a bowling club at Werri Beach.The club opened in 1960 and Gwen was among the founding members of the club.Gerringong Women’s Bowling Club held their first meeting 27 January 1960. Back in the early days of the club, the women did all the catering for the bowling events and social festivities.During her long membership. Gwen has had many bowling achievements. Namely, winning the Mixed Pairs with her husband David in 1973, 4, 5.Others include:1987 - Member of winning Club Triples team1988 - Member of winning Club Pairs, winner Minor Singles, winner Minor Pairs1991 - Member of winning Club Triples1998 - Member of winning teams fit the Hayes Miller Trophy1999 - Runner-up Club Fours2002 and 2004 - Member of winning team Club Fours2008 - Runner-up Selected Fours2009 - Runner-up Club Fours2010 - Runner-up Mixed Fours, member of Women’s Pennant Side.It needs to be noted that Gwen, in 2010, was 90-years-young. Gwen had been a member of several winning Pennant Teams over the years.In 2010, Gwen decided it was probably time to put the bowls away, but she continued to contribute to club life. She took on the duties of District Delegate in 2009/10, 2010/11.Her contribution to GWBC was recognised in 2020 when she was made a Life Member.Gwen has an invitation to attend a morning team at Government House on 18 June for the 100’s and 100+. A wonderful woman, a lifelong supporter of lawn bowls.Congratulations, Gwen on such a great contribution to the community of Gerringong.

Reaching Out: Lions Club of Gerringong
Reaching Out: Lions Club of Gerringong

12 June 2024, 3:36 AM

The Lions Club of Gerringong is inviting men and women to come along to an information evening at Cronin’s Hotel on Tuesday 18th June 2024 at 5-6.30pm for drinks and finger food. The Lions Club of Gerringong was established 30 years ago, with among its many aims to work within, assist and support our local community. The same applies today, and along with their many community objectives, Lions is hoping to expand its membership.The club was initially created by Kiama Lions Club, inviting local members of the Gerringong community to a meet and greet at Cronin’s Hotel, with the aim of starting a Lions club in Gerringong. Gerringong Lions would like to refresh that initial concept and is issuing kan open invitation to anyone who may be interested. Come along, meet our friendly members and ask any questions you may have. We are seeking like-minded people who want to assist those in our community in need of help.Lions is not just about sausage sizzles and raffles, there are many and varied activities to help and support our community. Lions Club of Gerringong has a long established reputation as a very social club with a strong focus on fellowship and mutual support of members. Also remember, Lions is a volunteer organisation and therefore nothing is compulsory. We only ask you for some of your spare time, whenever you’re available to help. Contact Club President Peter Jeffrey on 0402802707, or Club Treasurer Bob Stewart on 0407411979 for more details.

Fern Street Gallery goes online
Fern Street Gallery goes online

11 June 2024, 12:00 AM

On Thursday, 6 June, Fern Street Gallery informed their following that they are making a significant transition and shifting their focus towards becoming a predominantly online gallery. The gallery will be offering viewing of artworks by appointment, either in your home with the selected pieces of interest or in their private studio in Kiama. It will also be, “curating exclusive regional pop-up exhibitions and participating in art fairs.”“Choosing art is personalised and effortless with us at Fern Street Gallery. My specialised in-home consultation process is created to improve your experience, increase your confidence and save you time and stress,” says director Kerry Bruce. Bruce assures, “we are not closing our doors; rather, we are reinventing our approach and redefining our accessibility.”Collectors and visitors can stay connected by signing up to the Fern Street Gallery newsletter, or to the exclusive VIP ART Lovers newsletter, which will inform subscribersabout their future endeavours.Bruce says, “While our physical location may be undergoing changes, we remain steadfast in representing a curated group of talented Artists whose art will be consistently available online. Keep an eye out for featured collections each month.”“Our time spent in Gerringong has been filled with fond memories, and we deeply appreciate the support from the local community and our collectors worldwide.”For the latest news regarding new artworks, exhibitions, pop-ups, and Art Fairs, go to: The current “June Stockroom Exhibition” remains open until June 30 from 10am – 4pm daily at 2/131 Fern Street, Gerringong.

New MEAO commemoration date for Australian service men and women
New MEAO commemoration date for Australian service men and women

07 June 2024, 11:00 PM

RSL NSW has dedicated 11 July at 11 am as a new commemoration date for Australian service men and women who served in the Middle East Area of Operations (MEAO). This date will be a time to honour those who have served the country and to remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice during this prolonged conflict.The MEAO conflict, spanning from 2001 to 2021, is Australia's longest-running conflict and involved operations in both Afghanistan and Iraq.The Gerringong RSL sub-Branch will hold an inaugural ceremony at the flagpole on the Memorial Headland in Gerringong, located at the corner of Belinda Street and Tasman Drive, on 11 July. To accomodate those veterans that are working or unable to attend during the dat, we are considering holding the ceremony at 5pm with light refreshment at the Soldiers Memorial Hall afterwards. Time to be confirmed. The event is open to everyone. "We encourage any defence personnel who served in this theatre or with Defence at the time to attend," they said.Additionally, the sub-Branch plans to mount a new marble plaque on the front of the Soldiers Memorial Hall. This plaque will be dedicated to all contemporary veterans who have served overseas in peacekeeping roles or in defined conflict areas since the Korean War, and who were either born in the Gerringong postcode of 2534 or residing in that area at the time of their enlistment."We are compiling a list of names to engrave on the plaque and would like to hear from any former or current serving men and women who believe they may qualify," they added. Please contact either President Mike O’Leary at 0425 310 025 or Secretary Jeff McClenaughan at 0403 061 212.

Local musos to mix it with national and international stars
Local musos to mix it with national and international stars

04 June 2024, 2:26 AM

Winter Wine Festival is an annual music event held at Crooked River Estate, Gerringong, over the June long weekendThis year’s headliners are ICEHOUSE, The Rubens, Pacific Avenue, Alex Lloyd, Ash Grunwald and Jack RiverFive of 13 acts featured are from Gerringong and South Coast region Gerringong, NSW. It is only a couple of weeks to go now until the 2024 edition of Crooked River Estate’s ‘Winter Wine Festival’ brings the fun to the June long weekend 8-9 June. And if the sell-outs of the last couple of years are anything to go by, it will be one not to miss. “It’s great to bring brilliant acts to the people of the South Coast, mixing local and national acts in this beautiful scene … It’s unreal to see people sitting on the hill in front of the vines with a glass of red, enjoying top class bands,” says co-owner of the winery, Roger Lloyd, a huge music fan himself. “Only a few years ago, we saw The Rubens playing in the winery’s production shed. Now they’re headlining with other big acts and up-and-comers who will be headlining themselves in a few years.” Thirteen bands will perform over the weekend. Those bands are a mixture of up-and-coming local acts (such as James Burton, Daisy Pring and Olivia Coggan) with more established acts, including Pacific Avenue and The Rubens, some of whom call the South Coast home, plus Pallas Haze, Marvell, Rolling Holy, Darling Street, Jack River, Alex Lloyd, Ash Grunwald and the world-conquering ICEHOUSE.Big names, but it’s not a big, wild festival. “It’s pleasantly intimate because ticket numbers are capped each day to just 2500 people,” explains Lloyd. “To get to watch acts of this calibre up close and personal is a rare thing. And it’s a thrill for local musos to share the stage with big stars here and hopefully go to the next level themselves, like The Rubens.”Apart from supporting local musos, the Winter Wine Festival also attracts some of the region’s favourite food trucks, who offer an array of quality food from paella to kebabs to complement locally brewed beers and the Estate’s own popular and award-winning Crooked River Wines. Then there’s the merch area, where fans can buy souvenirs (and maybe get an autograph) from their favourite bands.  And with the weather forecast looking good for the long weekend, Lloyd offers some advice: “Come experience the passion, the wine, the food, the music, the views. But get in quick, because it will sell out. The VIP packages, the best on the South Coast catered for by Crooked River Estate’s wonderful restaurant, are already exhausted for Saturday and heading that way quickly for Sunday.” One-day and two-day weekend passes are available from just $99. Tickets and further information: .

Gerringong Scout and Cub memories
Gerringong Scout and Cub memories

30 May 2024, 12:33 AM

A wonderful exhibition just opened at GLaM about the Scout and Guide movement in Gerringong, by the Gerringong and District Historical Society. I wanted to take the liberty to share with you some wonderful memories I have of being a Scout. The Bugle would love to hear some of yours, too.  When my father passed away, I went to his funeral, where I met Bob Daniel. I took the opportunity to tell him that he was the facilitator of the most enjoyable moments of my childhood. I thanked him because he was willing to step up and serve the community as a scoutmaster.  Bob RogersI want to begin by telling a tale of a time before I became a Scout. There was a man named Bob Rogers. He lived in a house directly opposite the entrance to the caravan park at Gerroa on the northern side of the bridge. Rogers was the Scoutmaster of the 1st Gerringong Scout Troop when my brother was a scout, nine years before I joined. The story goes, Skip Rogers had just lost a large number of Scouts, being too old. He had a small cell of experienced Scouts left and a significant number of new boys, including my brother David who had recently joined.In those days, all the scout troops from the Kiama district would get together in one place on a particular weekend and participate in a competition camp. Scout troops would be tested on things such as tent erection, cooking, cleanliness and campfires; and allocated points. The winning troop would have the honour of representing the district at the Mt. Keira Scout Camp for the H.R.Lee Shield, which covered all of the South Coast and Tablelands.Despite these difficulties, Skip Rogers whipped the 1st Gerringong boys into shape and they won both the District title and the H.R.Lee Shield. In addition, this 1st Gerringong produced no fewer than eight Queen’s Scouts in two years. Bob Rogers’ name needs to have a place of honour on the list of people who have given sterling service to the community of Gerringong. ‘Skip’As for my own personal experience. I don't particularly remember much from my Cub years except for the uniform. The shirt was some woollen thing, which had threads sticking out that stuck in your skin as you walked. It was a horrible, itchy thing to wear in summer.My memories of the scouts are different though. From now on, I’ll refer to Bob Daniel as ‘Skip’ since that's what we always called him.I particularly remember the shows that we put on. When we went to camp and had a campfire show with little skits and songs, one of them being David Jones. The idea was that an ‘ordinary person’ was standing in the street. Somebody came on and that OP remarked, “where did you get those great shoes, or shirt, or pants?” or some other piece of clothing from a procession of people walking past. Every person answered, “Why? From David Jones.” Lastly, a person came on wearing just a towel. The OP asked: “What did you get from Davd Jones?” to which the reply was,’’I am David Jones.” I remember Glenn Miller volunteered to be David Jones. From memory, he regretted that decision!Another great moment was a play that Skip did not write (I think) but retyped the original for the 1st Gerringong Boy Scouts. It was called the Frontier Mortician. One of the funniest, most ridiculous plays I have ever heard. Ah, but it was fun. I used it extensively in my teaching career as well as other songs and skits from campfires.The wonderful tripsThe next wonderful memory is the ventures we went on. Skip would organise for us to pile in a van and travel all over NSW, staying in various Scout halls. I remember the trip to the snow in circa 1972, particularly well. I had never seen snow and I don’t think anybody else had either. We had just ordinary shoes and wanted to make them waterproof so we sprayed them with this stuff that was supposed to keep them dry. Needless to say, it did not work. But we had fun with wet shoes and pants, using garbage bags to toboggan down the slopes.For another trip, we camped beside a river. We had to drive across a small creek to get there. Big mistake. It poured and poured. We slept in about five centimetres of water and had to pull Skip’s car across a flooded creek to get home. CampfiresIn fact, the camps were all special in their own way. The smell of a campfire, the taste of burnt damper with sticky golden syrup and toast cooked on the end of a stick over the open flame of a fire. Sometimes, we had to go on our own for a first or second class journey and keep a record of our trip for assessment to pass the badge. Even the work camps at Mt. Keira Scout Camp, where we would camp out and be expected to clean up the camp, was fun. Occasionally, we would have a Court of Honor, which was a meeting at a Scout’s house where we would discuss important matters pertaining to the running of the Scout troop.I remember the games that we used to play in the Scout Hall, and ‘British Bulldog’ is one that comes to mind. Often, we would go home with bloody, skinned knees from the battles that were fought. Such games would be banned now. Getting ready for a snow trip circa 1972.

Rural Fire Brigade - May 2024
Rural Fire Brigade - May 2024

29 May 2024, 6:42 AM

Rural Fire Brigade (RFB) protecting and serving Gerringong, Gerroa, and surrounds since 1948. New membersCongratulations to our newest firefighters! Six new members completed their bush firefighter practical training and assessment on 19 May, 2024. They will now join us on the road at incidents and other activities in our local area.If you are interested volunteering with the Gerringong RFS Brigade, please contact us via: [email protected] or head to our Facebook page at: Gerringong Rural Fire Brigade. Bushfire mythsMyth: It won’t happen to me.Fact: No one can guarantee that it won’t happen to you. If you prepare and nothing ever happens, then you haven't lost anything. If you don't prepare your family and home to best protect them from a bushfire, you may not live to regret it.Myth: Filling the bathtub when a fire is approaching to sit in.Fact: The NSW RFS recommends that you fill your bath and sinks with water, in case the water supply to your home is cut off. This water can then be used to put out small spot fires that may start in and around the home.Myth: Standing on my roof, hosing it down with water will help.Fact: During a bush fire more injuries occur from people falling off rooves than from burns. Filling your gutters with water and hosing down your roof will help stop spot fires due to ember attack, but any hosing should be done from the ground.Myth: A house can explode, if it catches fire.Fact: Houses do not just explode; it is what you have stored under your home that may explode. You should consider what flammable and explosive items you have around/under your home and where you should store them to reduce the risk to your home.Myth: If I know the back streets in my suburb or town well, it will be ok for me to leave at the very last minute.Fact: Smoke from a fire can limit visibility. You may become confused or disorientated. Power lines and fallen trees on roads may be hard to see making driving dangerous. It is always better to leave early before the fire arrives.Myth: I’ll be fine, the bush is a few streets away.Fact: Most houses are burnt in bushfires because of ember attacks. Embers can cause fires many kilometers in front of the main fire and can start falling up to an hour before the fire arrives at your home. You need to make sure that your home is properly prepared to withstand ember attacks.Myth: There will always be a fire truck available to fight a bushfire threatening my home.Fact: There will never be as many fire trucks as there are houses. Do not depend on a fire truck being available at your home.Most importantly, in an emergency always remember to: Call triple zero (000). If you are deaf or have a speech or hearing impairment, call 106.

To Market! A great day out which profits those in need
To Market! A great day out which profits those in need

14 May 2024, 11:00 PM

When asked to write about the Gerringong Rotary Markets I was intrigued, having in another life worked as the Manager and Assistant Manager of Sydney’s Rocks Market – by contrast a huge operation (150 plus stalls at the time – most ‘permanent’) and decidedly ‘for profit’. Most casual visitors to the monthly Gerringong market would be unaware of its original raison d’etre, and ongoing clear focus, while they browse the eclectic range of stalls, bask in the relaxed coastal vibe, and sample its tasty food offerings. In July 2007, a group of Gerringong Rotarians started the market to raise funds for local, national, and international charitable projects and programs. The market was founded by then Rotary President Sandra Hainsworth with the help of then Market Manager Neil Miller, and with strong support from the then Mayor of Kiama, Sandra McCarthy, OAM.The market is staffed solely by a team of unpaid dedicated volunteers (mostly Gerringong Rotary members, with several ‘Friends of Rotary’), who also man the popular market barbecue – from which emanates enticing aromas of the legendary egg and bacon rolls and sausage sandwiches, to warmly welcome visitors. A range of talented local volunteer musicians generously provide music to add to the market’s ambience and support its aims. Town Hall indoor stallMarket committee member and regular volunteer duty manager, Christa Wood, a retired University of Wollongong academic, expresses her appreciation of the local Gerringong community, who are “very supportive of all their community organisations.”Wood wears many hats, including Gerringong Rotary Treasurer and Vice President Berry Writers Festival. She says she’s, “always amazed at the support and assistance we get from community members.” Most sites cost $55 per day (with no price rise in about the last ten years), of which the market currently pays Kiama Council an $11 fee. All profits are donated to an extensive and diverse range of charities and charitable projects, which to date included programs and activities involving:at-risk youth;young people - to reach their full potential (such as leadership and career opportunities) including apprenticeships, exchange students, and an international school in Tanzania; refugees;medical charities providing assistance to developing countries (such as Interplast Australia & New Zealand, Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children and Operation Cleft); homeless and disadvantaged people - including SALT and Homestead of Hope;disaster areas, through direct donations or Shelterbox;locals living with dementia and their carers, such as Dementia Inclusive Dancing and the Alchemy Chorus; local NFP organisations, such as the Rural Fire Service (RFS);local sporting clubs in need of funds;environmental projects, such as Adopt-a-Tree; andindigenous projects, including a sporting program for Aboriginal students, and an indigenous newspaper in Ngukurr. Organisers reserve two (or more, if able) unpaid stall sites each month for local charities/not-for-profits, including the Gerringong Red Cross. Their popular Devonshire teas, served in the Town Hall, draw dedicated regular repeat fans, including a committed group of seniors from Uniting Gerringong.  Vibrant rosemary, sage, bay and cinnamon herbal space clearing sticksWith a quality, boutique feel and prioritising local and handcrafted goods, the market aims to be ‘more Paddington than Paddys,’ according to market committee member, volunteer duty manager (when I visited), and retired Gerringong vet, Andrejs Medenis – in a reference to well-known Sydney markets. Trading with an average of 50-60 stalls (more in summer, less in winter and extreme weather), the all-weather market offers a wide range of products, including unique fashion items, quality second-hand clothes, bags, leather goods, jewellery (from costume to high end), handicrafts and small furniture pieces, skincare and cosmetic items, hair accessories, ceramics, homewares, baby/toddler items, toys, eco-friendly wares, pet products and plants. Tempting food offerings include fresh local produce, honey, nuts, delicatessen items, cakes and pastries, pies/sausage rolls, Gozleme and dumplings. Popular market entertainment The Southern StompersAlong with casual walk-in tourists passing through, the visitor demographic includes a strong local customer base – including from the Shoalhaven and Illawarra, and regular visitors from Greater Sydney staying in holiday homes and caravan parks. Many visitors come back regularly to pick up specific product favourites. The market is also popular with families – kids can play safely in the onsite playground, while parents browse nearby stalls or relax and enjoy a sausage sandwich or other culinary delight.Renowned Rotary BBQGerringong Rotary Markets is on the third Saturday of each month at the Old School Park and Gerringong Town Hall, in Fern Street.Prospective stallholders are encouraged to make contact via an application form on the Gerringong Rotary website:

Tales Of Old Gerringong: ‘King’ Mickey Weston’s Wodi Wodi/Crooked River cricket team of 1894
Tales Of Old Gerringong: ‘King’ Mickey Weston’s Wodi Wodi/Crooked River cricket team of 1894

11 May 2024, 11:00 PM

IntroductionThe Wodi Wodi people of the Dharawal language group were the main Aboriginal inhabitants of the Illawarra area, and a clan was centred around Werri Beach and Crooked River/Gerroa. Here is a great story of a cricket team, which was formed from the Crooked River area 130 years ago. It’s an important piece of Gerringong history.The formation of the teamThere is no record of the cricket club being formed, and the reasons why it was created.However, it can be surmised that ‘King’ Mickey Weston was the person behind the formation of the team. Mickey Weston was the Elder who oversaw the tribes from the Illawarra to Seven Mile Beach (at least) and he would regularly travel to these places. I imagine that he had a great interest in cricket and was keen to put together a team.Was the team just made up of indigenous men from Crooked River? It is possible, but it is also likely that some came from other places. There were mentions of Sims and Longbottoms in the team. The Longbottoms were prominent at Kiama and the Sims at Werri Beach.The name Crooked River was not always used as well. Sometimes, it was mentioned that the team came from Gerringong or maybe the South Coast. However, it may have been a convenience as I imagine the name Crooked River was not well known outside the Gerringong District.A sure thing is that one of the first challenges for Mickey was to get the proper playing equipment. One thing that is consistent with most of the games played was that the team would, ‘put on a show’ after the game. This might include a corroboree and a demonstration of boomerang throwing. The ‘hat’ was taken around to collect money from the spectators. Often, there was a ‘goodly’ crowd there to watch the match and the entertainment. Another thing that seemed to happen at most games was that the Indigenous team were always the visitors and, as such, were entertained to a luncheon/afternoon tea. Apparently, on one occasion against Gerringong, this did not happen and the players were most put out according to a letter to the editor!Apart from newspaper advertisements announcing the coming games, the first mention of an actual game report was from Saturday, 27 January 1894, reported in the Kiama Independent and Shoalhaven Reporter. Thank you to Trove.CRICKET.(From a Correspondent.)A match was played at Gerringong on Wednesday last between Mickey Weston's Team of Aboriginals and a 2nd team of the local club which resulted in a win for the former by 22 runs. The scores were:           GerringongA, Wilson, b Cummins ........ 13M. Hanrahan, lbw,b Sutton ... 7J. Wilson, b Longbottom........31R. M. Miller, b Button........ 0J. Fields, b Cummins ......... 0J. W, Francis, c and b Cummings3T. Hanharhan c Simms, b Longbottom......- ..........      0B. Johnstone, b Cummings ...  3M. Burke, b Cummings ........ 2T. F. Seage, not out .........8R. Gordon, c Matto, b Cummins.0- Sundries …                  17Total .....                   87Aboriginals.B. Hoskins, b Wilson .....,     4Sutton, b Wilson                0Walker, b Wilson ......... . .. 0W. Broughton, b Wilson ....     8Hunt, b Johnston                1T. Simms, b Wilson .....        8G. Longbottom, not out         51Judson, b Wilson ........       4Matto, c Fields, b Miller..     6A. Cummings c Hanrahan b Miller 5Edwards, b Wilson ...        . 12Sundries ...... ...... .       13                               109A Cummings appears to be a very good bowler!The next game mentioned comes up in the paper 3rd February in a game against Jamberoo. The ‘Gentlemen of Colour’ arrived with plenty of time for the match and were entertained at lunch by ‘the white fellows’. They were one player short, and a Gerringong white boy substituted during the game.Micky Weston’s team scored 31 in the first innings and 77 in the second. The Jamberoo team got 84 and were 2 for 27 when stumps were called.After this the large number of spectators were entertained by a demonstration of boomerang throwing. It was noted that the crowd was the largest that had been to any Jamberoo game that season.The visitors were then entertained at ‘tea’. A collection was taken up to help the team and 1 pound, 7 shillings and sixpence was collected. The next match was only a few days later at Kiama. There was an extensive report on the proceedings in the paper.   The next mention is a game between Gerringong CC and the Crooked River CC on 17th February with Gerringong scoring 128 and the Aboriginals 69. W. Sutton scoring 27no.On 22 March, the Gerringong Aboriginal CC, as it was called in the article, travelled to Shellharbour to play a match. The Aboriginal team won the game scoring 78 to Shellharbour’s 40. Top scorers were T. Simms and Joe Dixon, who both scored 20. It does not mention how they got there.The next game mentioned was a trip to Wollongong. A ‘goodly crowd’ was in attendance. The papers were all in praise of the Aboriginal team, displaying great skills. The team was described as ‘Mickey Weston’s team from Gerringong.’ The Aboriginals scored 36 and 8 for 25 and Wollongong 78. When they travelled to Comerong on May 8 to play, they were called the South Coast Aboriginal Cricket team. In this match, they scored 35 and 31 as against Comerong with 44 and 70.This is the last game mentioned in 1894 and the last mention of the Crooked River team. Mickey, however, appears to have put together another team of Dharawal men and played in the Wollongong areas in later years.Joe Dixon was the best player from the team. He forged out a career with Gerringong CC.

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