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Gerringong Gazette

Going to the movies at Gerringong Town Hall 50 years ago
Going to the movies at Gerringong Town Hall 50 years ago

20 September 2024, 9:00 PM

I saw a wonderful article in the Bugle about ‘Picks and flicks’ in the Town Hall in Gerringong recently. It got me thinking about those times. I would love to take the liberty of sharing some of these with you.Going to the movies was an Australian tradition 50+ years ago. TV was fine and I must admit I spent a lot of time watching Phantom Agents, The Samurai , Combat, The Monkees, Green Acres, Astro Boy and the like.But TV 50 years ago was black and white and anyway, watching big movies like The Battle of Britain just did not look the same on the small screen. It was also the idea of going out. Going to the pictures on a Saturday night was an event.There wasn’t much else to do. Yes, for a child growing up in Gerringong you could go to the Scouts and play cricket but really it was quiet during the school term. Growing up in Gerroa was even worse. Most of Gerroa 50+ years ago consisted of old fibro holiday homes. The shop would open for 15 minutes a day. A mad maniac with a machine gun would not have much effect as no-one would even notice he was there.You did have the beach of course. And yes, like everybody else I had a ‘plank’. I think they call them longboards now. You could catch a wave at Gerroa and have time to ‘walk the plank’ and ‘hang 5’. Reminds me of the song Hanging 5 by the Delltones. You needed two people to carry it down to the beach if you were just a kid.But come that magical period when the old school bell stopped ringing, during Christmas, and the place would come alive. Suddenly you could not even get on the road because there were so many cars, usually with caravans attached. The holiday places filled up and beaches were full of tourists enjoying the sun and surf. Locals would stock up just before the holidays started and hunker down on the farm until the tourists went home.And yes, these tourists were looking for something to do at nighttime with their families, as well as the local youngsters. This is where the Gerringong Town Hall and Harry and Mary Waghorn joined together to provide that.The Gerringong Town Hall is an imposing building, as I suppose all town halls are. All the big events were there. There was a stage with seating facing it. It was next door to the Gerringong Public School and in those days one of my fondest memories was performing on that stage in the annual school concert. I remember I was a thief reading Santa’s workshop.But the screen for movies was on the back wall and the seating had to be turned around. To fit more paying customers seating was put up on the stage so you might be watching a movie in the ‘stalls’. I have never really thought about how hard it must have been to move theose seats up and down the stairs.During the holiday season a movie was on every night and most of them were the ‘big’ movies for the year. As I said above, I was enthralled watching Luftwaffe planes flying across the English Channel before being jumped by Spitfires in big, bold colour set to inspirational music. My sister Merelyn fondly remembers Psycho, the James Bond movies, A Nun’s Story, and the 10 Commandments. The list goes on.A pamphlet was produced listing all the movies for the week, so you could plan your viewing pleasure. There was also a poster board out the front of the hall, about where the street library is now, with billboard posters of the movies.Every night a large crowd would gather outside the hall waiting to buy a ticket to go in. Most of the customers had a curious red glow about them due to the endless days at the beach. Naughty boys and girls would roll Jaffas down the floor. Mind you, Harry Waghorn ran a tight ship and they would get short shrift. It was a place where you took your best girl on a date and hoped to get the chance to hold hands. Nothing else mind you.Athol Noble’s general store. A place to grab a bite during Interval. They also made school lunches for Gerringong PS. Athol Noble collectionThere would always be an interval when you went to the movies in those days. People would stand at the door to the hall handing out passes. You could then go up the road to a ‘milk bar’ at Athol Noble’s store, which was roughly opposite the Anglican Church, or over the street to Aunty Connie’s where the surf shop is now. They opened specially on film nights to catch the moviegoers. Like all moviegoers for the last 100 years you would fill up on junk that you never dreamt of buying normally.On Sunday nights they would show ‘special’ films that youngsters like me weren't allowed to watch. When I got to the required age I went along to a couple and to tell you the truth, I could not see what the fuss was all about.And then at the end of January, it all came to an end. The crowds all got back into their cars, and maybe hooked a caravan on as well, and went back to wherever they came from. And sleepy Gerringong and Gerroa went back to being……well…..sleepy. At least until we did it all again next Christmas. 

Gerringong Lions Club champions local causes and community events
Gerringong Lions Club champions local causes and community events

19 September 2024, 10:00 PM

Fathers’ Day RaffleThe Lions’ Fathers’ Day raffle came and went. The four winning tickets were all held by locals.Ray Worboys won first prize of a set of TVS Ear Buds valued at $680 from Sound Solutions in Kiama.Second prize of a Makita Recipro saw and a Makita hammer drill donated by Gerringong Hardware and a Stoic Brewery voucher, was won by Ross Wraight.Ross Wraight receiving his second prize in the Fathers Day Raffle from Lions President Steve PottieThird prize of a hand made, single bed throw quilt, donated by Janice Mark and a voucher from Stoic Brewery, was won by Marion Hinkley.Fourth prize went to Clare Arnie, a $100 voucher from the Seahorse Oceanview Bistro at the Gerroa Fisherman’s Club, a $50 voucher from Bambinos in Gerringong and a Stoic Brewery voucher.Over $2000 was raised by ticket sales and The Lions Club boosted it to $3000. These proceeds went to SALT at Nowra, a charity for assisted housing for the homeless, the socially disadvantaged and young people at risk.SAHSSI (Supported Accommodation and Homeless Services Shoalhaven and Illawarra)Lions have formed a small committee to support SAHSSI. Collection points are being set up for donated items of need for the Women’s Refuge group in Nowra. You may have noticed a trolley at Khan’s IGA at Gerringong, near the checkouts, where items could be donated.This will be an ongoing project with items donated, being regularly collected and every 2 – 3 months delivered to the Nowra refuge. Prior to these deliveries, SAHSSI will be contacted to ascertain if they have urgent items of need and The Lions Club will endeavour to purchase a reasonable supply of these items.Items for donation include, women’s clothes and shoes (new or used condition), new underwear, socks, feminine hygiene products, toiletries, children’s books and non perishable food and grocery items.Upcoming EventsIt’s back!! The Gerringong Xmas Street Parade. Lions have committed to resurrecting the once famous event. Hopefully it will not have the notoriety it achieved, when Lions were previously involved with it, when a parachuting Santa missed the School Park and was taken by the famous Werri Nor/Easter to smash through the rear window of the car that was first prize in that year’s Xmas Raffle!So mark down Saturday 21st December in your calendar and suss out a good viewing point in Fern St - you never know who you are likely to see in this year’s parade.Planning has also commenced for next year’s MotorFest / Car Show at Cronin Oval on Saturday 15th February. Invitations have been sent out to numerous car clubs and Lions are anticipating about 400 cars of all makes and vintages to come along.Lions President Steve Pottie presenting a cheque for $1000 to Harper Payne to assist with her Rugby Tour to Japan.Junior Sport AssistanceLions have committed to help fund two young Rugby players, Harper Payne and Charlotte Gamero, who have been selected in The Australian Raptors 14 yrs Female Rugby Union Tour of Japan.

Gerringong Public School shines at Southern Stars
Gerringong Public School shines at Southern Stars

17 September 2024, 12:00 AM

Gerringong Public School (GPS) students dazzled at the 2024 Southern Stars event, taking place over Friday 30 and Saturday 31 August. Two choirs and two dance groups (Berkley and WEC) from Gerringong assembled at the high school ahead of the event, 19 students involved in the choir performances and 39 across the two dance groups. Gerringong Public School Teacher, Michelle McPhillips said her favourite part of the event is seeing the students come together.“Watching the joy on the students' faces during show week and how excited they are to perform…How the students mix with others and learn new skills, and students push themselves even though they are scared of performing and their excitement when they do it.”One student tried out for the Southern Stars performance company and one for the First Nations Dance group Yanggaa Garaba Dance Group.“I loved the community aspect of it and how the children got to talk and make friends from other schools and how we could see the kids shine in a way that NSW Public Education does so well on a large scale”, says Kate Egan, GPS teacher.Southern Stars began in 2001 with a determination to provide students in the Illawarra area and beyond with performing arts opportunities. The event has since grown into a spectacular that has seen over 50,000 public school students perform since its inception. Schools, students, and communities were all encouraged to be part of Southern Stars, the annual event is held at the WIN Entertainment Centre in Wollongong and all public school students across NSW are invited to showcase their dance, drama and musical performances.“It was amazing and fun as we could watch the show, and I could see my parents when I performed,” GPS student Leesha says.  With an annual audience of around 12,000 people, Southern Stars has cemented itself as a highlight in many schools’ annual calendar.The Bugle congratulates the children on a job well done, and also their dedicated teachers for all the coaching that went into it.

Doors open at Buriburi Playgroup
Doors open at Buriburi Playgroup

06 September 2024, 3:00 AM

A dedicated playgroup for Koori children has opened at Gerringong Public School.A smoking ceremony was conducted with a special assembly today, Thursday 5 September, with parents, teachers and traditional owners present. “It is a very significant event, and it is a historical event…. This school is going to open the Buri Buri Aboriginal Playgroup for all our First Nations students,” Dharawal Elder and Aboriginal Healer Aunty Gwenda said. Supporting staff members will travel to the school from Nowra on Thursdays to run the playgroup programs.The Buriburi Playgroup will be open to children between the ages of 0 - 5. Gerringong Public School also announced the introduction of the Koori Kids Tucker Program, providing breakfast and lunch for kids on Fridays. Aunty Gwenda has lived in Gerringong all her life, she addressed the school today saying most of her work has been in the Shoalhaven and Illawarra. “I’ve been waiting 20 years to work in my community… Today we put Gerringong on the map,” she said. Aunty Gwenda and kids cut the ribbon to the new playgroupKristie Goldthorp, Principal of Gerringong Public School said the name Buriburi is a way to honour the culture of the traditional owners of the land.“Choosing an Aboriginal name for a playgroup is a wonderful way to honour and celebrate the culture and heritage of the local Aboriginal community,” she said, “our little brothers, sisters and cousins can join the Buriburi playgroup and flourish together.”The name Buriburi comes from the significant spiritual figure of a humpback whale for Aboriginal people from Coastal Sydney to the Shoalhaven, the Dharawal people.

Taxi battle continues with Ward petitioning for a new trial
Taxi battle continues with Ward petitioning for a new trial

30 August 2024, 7:00 AM

The battle for an appropriate taxi service continues with the announcement of a petition for the NSW Government to support and fund a taxi trial that could see the services return to Kiama. Barry, 84, said without a reliable taxi service in Gerringong, many residents at his aged care facility struggle to maintain their independence, “If I want to go up to Kiama to see my doctor, my daughter has to travel to come and take me,” he said.Member for Kiama, Gareth Ward, called upon the Minister for Transport to increase public transport in the region in May of this year.Ward continues to appeal for a stable taxi service to return to the Kiama region, with a recent announcement that he has joined forces with local council candidate Yasmin Tatrai with a petition calling upon the NSW government for the return of cabs to the community.“Yas and I want to see taxi services return to Kiama. I have been inundated by locals who need public transport and really rely on this service. As a person with a visual impairment, I understand this frustration very personally”, Mr Ward said.Barry believes the existing options are not good enough. Neighbouring residents with greater mobility issues aren’t able to use the existing public transport options within Gerringong, and must find their own alternatives through loved ones providing a helping hand. Not only are the options limited, with the available bus service requiring a volunteer driver when someone wishes to go outside of the aged care facility. The closure of Kiama Cabs in May of last year resulted in community outcry for the essential service being removed from the town. “Kiama taxis used to come, but now we don’t have a reasonable taxi service”, Barry said. Over 25 percent of Kiama’s population falls between the age range of 60 - 85 and above. A study showed that the transport needs for older people vary, Kiama is known as being a car-dependent area with limited use of public transport by local residents. Residents that are unable or no longer able to use a car for their personal transport, the range of mobility options are crucial to reducing social exclusion.Older people who are required to decrease or cease their driving can cause a ‘significant decline in mobility and increase in physical and mental health risks if appropriate transport alternatives are not available.’“From older people, people with disabilities or people who don’t drive, we need a taxi service and this petition will help pressure the NSW Labor Government to stop cutting services and start investing in our community”, Ms Tatrai said.

Gerringong Community Garden flourishes
Gerringong Community Garden flourishes

30 August 2024, 12:37 AM

Since last October, when The Bugle reported that Gerringong Community Garden had a new president in Sue Daniels, the garden has doubled in size, offering a bounty of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and bee-friendly flowers.Daniels, who previously spent eight years with the Kiama Community Garden, brought her self-taught gardening skills from the UK, where she managed an acre of garden. She now leads the Gerringong group focusing on sustainability and permaculture principles. The garden avoids harmful pesticides, relying instead on natural methods like banana peels, eggshells, and garlic spray to deter pests.Composting plays a crucial role in the garden’s success. The group maintains ten compost bins, supplemented by organic waste from the local Perfect Break Café and seaweed collected from the beach. This rich compost reduces the need for store-bought fertilisers.The group, consisting of about 12 members, meets every Tuesday morning to work in the garden. After a few hours of toil, they enjoy tea and homemade cake. Daniels keeps the team motivated with charming, poetic texts outlining the day's tasks, adding a touch of fun to their routine.One of the members, an engineer, designed an irrigation system to keep the plants hydrated during warmer months, addressing the challenges of weather fluctuations. The garden yields a variety of produce, including bananas, blueberries, and blackberries, and the group hopes to expand to raspberries, avocados, and olives.However, the garden's expansion has brought financial challenges. Every year, the group needs new soil, seed-raising mix, and protective nets, but as they are not a registered Not-For-Profit organisation, they struggle to secure funding. This raises the question of whether they could join a larger NFP to access grants.Beyond gardening, the Gerringong Community Garden group is a close-knit community. If you're interested in joining or just want to see the garden, you're welcome to visit the Gerringong Bowling Club on a Tuesday morning after 10am to meet the group.

110 years of continuous humanitarian service
110 years of continuous humanitarian service

25 August 2024, 9:00 PM

Lady Helen Munro Ferguson, wife of the sixth Governor General of Australia, established the Australian Red Cross as a branch of the British Red Cross, nine days after the start of the First World War in July 1914. The organisation grew rapidly. Lady Helen wrote to the mayors of every shire and municipality in Australia asking them to initiate a local branch. Typically, a letter was published in the local newspaper and a meeting was called.By November 1914 Australia had 88 city or suburban branches and 249 country branches, all established within the previous four months. One of these branches was in Gerringong. Minutes of the first meeting show that on Wednesday afternoon August 19, 1914 twenty one local ladies met and formed a working committee of the Red Cross society. Mrs W Nelson was elected first president, Mrs Noble was elected treasurer, and Miss Hall secretary.  Gerringong is one of a small number of branches that has operated continuously since then. A certificate of appreciation was recently presented to the Gerringong branch by the Australian Red Cross.We are currently a small but enthusiastic group, well known for our Devonshire tea stalls at the Gerringong Rotary markets held on the third Saturday of each month in the Gerringong Town Hall.Would you like to join us? We hold meetings on the first Friday of each month at 1.00 pm in the Gerringong RSL Hall and welcome new members and visitors. Contact Ann on 0412 011 352 for all enquiries.

Tales of Old Gerringong: The Miller family and Wodi Wodi memories
Tales of Old Gerringong: The Miller family and Wodi Wodi memories

23 August 2024, 9:00 PM

The Miller family in Gerringong has a long and distinguished history. There was never any shortage of Millers around if you wanted to make up a cricket or rugby league team. In fact, there were so many that on one occasion a cricket challenge match was arranged. One team had members of the Miller family, and the other was ‘leftover’ members of the Gerringong Cricket Club.Hedley Miller was a great man. In 1982, at the age of 70, he was asked to share some memories he had of his own family and of the Wodi Wodi people, who lived around the Gerringong area. The story was published in the original Gerringong and District Historical Society’s first newsletter.Note that some of the language used may be inappropriate today but in no way was any disrespect intended by the author to any person, quite the contrary. Hedley was one of several local people  who had nothing but the greatest respect for the Wodi Wodi people.Hedley Miller: I was seven-years-old when we came to live in Gerroa. This was pre-war, about 1913. Prior to that, my father was farming at Robertson. When the family had to shift everything to Gerroa we used sulkies, drays, carts, and everything was loaded. I was entrusted with driving a loaded dray down Macquarie Pass to Jamberoo in one day, while the riders brought the cattle down the mountain to 'Terragong House' where the Marks lived. We stayed there that night and milked the cattle, and came on the "Wingeewah' the next day. My brother Ray and I went to school at Gerringong and associated a lot with the blackfellows that lived at Gerroa. There were two camps, one at Werri Beach and one at Gerroa, the Dixons and Bloxomes, and they were nearly all girls. Joe Dixon was an old man, a wonderful old chap. There were 100 kids coming to the school, and I remember them. There were as many black kids as white kids. Now, at the time, Joe had been timber-getting down at David Berry's mob and one of the cedar logs had washed up on Seven Mile Beach. My brother Ray and I helped old Joe to roll the logs across the beach to his camp, which was over the river and east of the present bridge. Joe put in about nine months of hard labour chipping and made it into a cedar boat. Ray and I were the first white fellows to ride in Joe's boat. Now Joe had a sister, who was a wonderful woman, and she married a fellow by the name of John Bloxom. There were still a lot of Bloxoms in the Nowra district as far as I can ascertain. The Sims of Werri and the Dixons and Bloxoms of Gerroa were all under King Mickey of Minnamurra, which was their tribe. They were wonderful people. I recall Louie, Joe's daughter, used to sing at the school when we were kids. The Moon shines tonight on Pretty Redwings was the one she used to sing, and she won the prize at school.The only water that they got at the camp was at Malcolm's Hill on the ''Sand Track'. At one time I remember old Joe talking about some weed or other that got in the waterhole on the Hill. They went onto Bill Sharp's place where the windmill was in later years and there was a good spring there. They walked to school, the black children and all of us kids, there was no bus to take you to school those days. We had a sulky between the Stainer kids, the Walker kids and the Miller kids. Sometimes, the sulky had nine in it. The black children walked to school and there were quite a lot of them.Joe Dixon was an old man when this happened. He used to keep wickets for the old Crooked River team before and after the war, I expect.The Sims were at Werri beach. Old Jackie Sims used to work for the Sharpes (my wife's father) years and years ago. His great grandson Eric Simms played for South Sydney. Their camp was under the big figtree at Werri Beach, everyone knows where that is. They did have some disagreements, the Sims, Dixons and Bloxoms. But they were under King Mickey of Minamurra. I remember Joe telling me that they could not have any tribal law at all unless King Mickey sanctioned it. Joe was a big man, too. He grew a snow-white moustache in later years. He was a very fine old chap, Joe Dixon. Wal Dixon, Joe’s son, became a pretty good footballer for the Kiama Rugby League Club.I would like to correct an error from the last issue’s story on Gumboot throwing. I said that the chemist in Gerringong was Greg Wishart. I apologise – actually, it was Graeme.  

The Lodge Jamberoo: discover this little gem
The Lodge Jamberoo: discover this little gem

22 August 2024, 9:00 PM

The Lodge Jamberoo offers a quiet retreat in the heart of the Jamberoo Valley, where nature blends with comfort. This boutique venue is the ideal setting for conferences, events, or a peaceful getaway. Surrounded by lush greenery and rolling hills, The Lodge provides a calming environment without sacrificing modern amenities or convenience. Recently, Travel Focus Group held our annual conference at The Lodge Jamberoo. We selected this venue for its serene and convenient location, but it was the exceptional service, warm hospitality, and high food standards that left a lasting impression on us. The Lodge’s accommodation is both stylish and comfortable. Each room is designed to offer guests a restful atmosphere, with views of the surrounding gardens or valley. While the rooms are currently well-appointed, the owner is actively sourcing new decor and furniture from Italy and beyond. This ongoing effort will soon transform all the rooms, making them even more spectacular, while retaining the comfort and practicality that guests have come to appreciate. The eclectic decor in the main dining areas is a treat for the senses. It adds character and charm to the overall experience, making every meal feel special. The careful selection of furnishings and artwork creates a unique atmosphere that invites guests to relax and enjoy their surroundings. Service at The Lodge Jamberoo is another highlight. The staff’s attention to detail and commitment to guest satisfaction set a high standard. They anticipated our needs and ensured that our conference ran smoothly from start to finish.Their professionalism allowed us to focus on our work, knowing that every logistical detail was handled with care. The food at The Lodge Jamberoo deserves special mention. The on-site restaurant, Lulu’s at the Lodge, showcases the region’s finest produce, with dishes that are well-prepared and satisfying. Each meal was a reminder of the chef’s skill and the quality of ingredients used. Dining at The Lodge was a genuine pleasure. If you’re planning an event, conference, or simply looking for a quick getaway, The Lodge Jamberoo is well worth considering. Our experience there was overwhelmingly positive, and we are confident that yours will be too. The Travel Focus Group team is more than happy to assist with planning your next visit (whether it be an event, conference or getaway), ensuring that every detail meets your expectations. Don’t miss out on discovering this hidden gem in the picturesque Jamberoo Valley.

Live ‘younger’ and longer
Live ‘younger’ and longer

19 August 2024, 11:00 PM

Gerringong resident Dr Christa Wood has long been an active member of community groups including Gerringong Rotary and their Markets, the Berry Writer’s Festival and Gerringong ‘Pics & Flicks’.She is also a Dementia Advocate and has established activities to enrich the lives of people with dementia. These include the Alchemy Chorus South Coast, and Dementia Inclusive Dancing held at the community hall at Mayflower Retirement Village.All these are supported by volunteers and carers. More recently, Christa’s focus has included those who need to maintain their health and independence as they get into their post-work years.People who want to live ‘younger’ and longer and who want active minds, active bodies and active social lives.Christa joined with Karen Ambrose, an experienced and professional dance Teacher, to set up fortnightly Rock’n’Dance sessions at Gerringong Town Hall.Karen guides people (whether prior dancers or not) to learn simple rock’n’roll and other dances in a friendly and enjoyable group where the focus is on rhythm and fun.There’s a new activity called Active Mindsteps. With the support of Gerringong Rotary, Christa and a volunteer organising committee, will offer people who are 55+ years, programs of weekly 90-minute exercise sessions to develop thinking and motor skills in a friendly, non-competitive way.A special opportunity now exists for people 55+ years to attend a ‘taster’ session with Active Mindsteps.These ‘tasters’ will be from 3pm to 4.30pm on the  28th August and 5th September at the Gerringong Town Hall. Attendance is free but numbers are limited so please email or phone to register your interest.ßTo register your interest or for more information:Christa Wood 0416 202 678Sandra Ruecroft 0451 302 752Mark Wilmott 0414 414 752Email: [email protected]

Annual Spring Garden competition - Presentation now 22 November
Annual Spring Garden competition - Presentation now 22 November

19 August 2024, 1:17 AM

UPDATED message from the organisers:The Competition organisation is ticking along nicely, with entries being submitted by enthusiastic gardeners. However, we need to inform you that the committee has reluctantly had to alter the date for the presentation. The presentation will now be held on November 22, beginning at 10:30 and running for about an hour. All other dates remain the same. We apologise for this unexpected change but hope that you will still be able to attend the Presentation. An updated entry form is attached for your convenience. -------The annual spring garden competition for the Kiama Municipality is in full swing again. After formally announcing the competition in May, everyone is encouraged to get their entries in. Categories include: Garden over 1,000 square metres - can include whole garden or part of it.Garden under 1,000 square metres – can include whole garden or part of it.Predominantly native garden – Whole or part of a garden with a significant portion of Australian natives.Courtyard, balcony or indoor garden – A courtyard garden refers to a garden almost enclosed by walls, fences, hedging or buildings.Senior living complex garden – This can include retirement villages and nursing homes.Edible garden - Can be vegetable gardens, fruit gardens, culinary herb gardens, bush tucker gardens or a combination of these with an element of sustainability and eco creation such as a worm farm, composting etc.Children’s garden - Created or cared for by a child or group of children. Can include childcare centres, school garden or just a family backyard with a garden space dedicated to the children.The Kiama Garden Club meets on the 4th Friday of the month. Anyone interested in plants and gardening is welcome to attend. Entry forms can be obtained by email [email protected] or phone Jenny on 0414 257 215. Meetings are held at the Uniting Church Hall, Bong Bong Street, Kiama$5 includes morning tea.Membership fee $20.

Gerringong, church and gumboots
Gerringong, church and gumboots

10 August 2024, 9:00 PM

Speaking to my sister the other day, she told me that Gerringong Church of England was having its 150th anniversary this year. Now I know that other people better qualified than me will be writing about the history of the church at some later date. However, I wanted to recall a funny moment 52 years ago.As a child the Church of England was a big part of my family’s life. I can distinctly remember going to church and Sunday School every Sunday. My Mum was poached from the Methodist Church to be an organist when she married Dad. You had to get dressed up in your ‘Sunday best’, clothes you only ever wore once a week. One enduring memory I have was going to Church on a windy night, as we have a lot of in Gerringong, and not being able to hear a single word the minister was saying.There were so many great people in the church community. Some in particular I remember were Tony Britten, a kind gentle, man who was superintendent of the Sunday School among other things. He lived in a lovely old house with beautiful grounds just out of Gerringong on the Princes Highway. Lauris Buckman was a lovely human being who always had a smile on her face. She lived by herself in what was then, the last house in Gerringong along the road out towards Weir’s farm. Greg Wishart was another that comes to mind. He and his wife Gwen ran the chemist's shop. He was a dynamic man and the sort of person you need to have in an organisation if you want things done. I seemed to recall he had a son who was a handy league player!The ministers like Canon Wesley Gurvin, Rev Len Harriss and Canon Dillon were men who did not just conduct sermons on Sunday. It was not a ‘job’, it was a passion. They were on call to administer spiritual advice whenever needed, for example providing benevolent comfort for a person at the end stage of their life. They always had a smile and a positive attitude.Back row G. Wishart, L.Buckman, M, Wrigley, D. Weir, E. Cullen, C. Emery, N. Parrish. Front O.Young, K.Johnson, Rev, L.J.Harriss, Canon W.D. Girvin, T. Cuthbertson, T. Britten. The Church committee 50 years agoBut of course this church was an integral part of what was, and still is to a lesser degree than 1972, a dairying town. At the Xmas party every year, little kids, including myself, would eagerly await the arrival of Santa in the church hall. We would sing Christmas carols and he would always walk in the door as we sang ‘Jingle bells’. It was consequently my favourite. I always noticed that Santa wore gumboots and thought they must be cold in the snow.Speaking of gumboots. Every year the church would have an annual picnic as most churches would do. It was a highlight of the year with lots of entertainment for the entire church and town community. Of course a big attraction was always the hayride behind one of the farmers with their tractor. But the church committee in 1972 wanted to come up with something a little different that year. Being a farming community, someone came up with the idea of a gumboot throwing competition.Some of the young members with Ivy Parrish on the rightOrganisation for this great competition began in earnest. A strict set of rules was written. This was not going to be a ‘hit and giggle’ affair. It was serious business. Maybe it might take off and even be an Olympic event!The church fair was a great success on a beautiful night in November that year. The gumboot throwing competition was indeed a crowd favourite with stiff competition for the glory of being number one. There may have been howls of laughter from the spectators watching grown men hurling a regulation sized gumboot like a hammer thrower in the Olympics but for the competitors, most of whom were dairy farmers, it was a matter of honour. I do not recall who was the ultimate winner. Maybe somebody out there in the Gerringong community has an old dusty trophy on the mantelpiece from 1972.Despite the intense work on the part of the church committee and the success of the competition, I do not recall it becoming an annual event and it quickly died out. I do remember reading, however, that Taihape, a town in New Zealand, no doubt a farming community, took on gumboot throwing as a serious sport and hosts a festival every year. The Anglican Church of Gerringong has a long history and has always been an important part of the local community. I am sure that it will continue to do so for many years into the future. Photo credit: Emery Archives

Medical help in the olden days
Medical help in the olden days

27 July 2024, 7:00 PM

Life was tough 100 years ago but especially tough if you suffered an injury or became sick. When my Uncle Ivor was old, he told a story of when he was a little boy living in Lower Bucca which illustrates some of the difficulties faced. You have to realise that calling a doctor when you lived on a farm out of town was not as simple as ringing up and he would just pop around. Firstly, you often did not have access to a telephone in the house. Secondly a doctor may have to rig up the horse and cart, travel slowly on dirt roads across flooded creeks to where the patient was. Even if they had a car, it was not as reliable as the ones we have today.  On many occasions you were on your own for quite a while.My father worked in the bush as a timber cutter during the war. He recalled that serious accidents did happen, and a patient just had to endure the long and painful trip out of the bush for treatment. Childbirth for mothers to be, could be a nightmare.Two reflections below may make your hair stand on end but they are true.Ivor Emery lived in Foxground and Gerroa during his life and was, among other things, a brilliant cricketer in the Gerringong district. Ivor Emery: Our nearest doctor was in Coffs Harbour 16 miles away, and the nearest telephone in the town two miles distant, and thus it was first aid applied by either mother or dad, that had to suffice. Dad was particularly good at first aid, but if there was blood it shook mother up as she had to be his assistant. I remember having my little toe severed and the next almost the same. Dad applied kerosene and bound the toe back on and it grew quite well. Another time I was bitten by a black snake.The doctor's car was being repaired at the time. My uncle had ridden across the flooded creek for help - the bridge having been washed away in the flood - to ring for assistance. In his absence my dad administered first-aid before harnessing the horse in the sulky, and with me in my mother's arms, forded the flooded creek which rose up to their knees in the sulky.  We met the doctor in his car mid-way to Coffs, and he took my mother and I back to the hospital there. After some time I recovered.There were many accidents with workers in the bush. It was a significant part of pioneering. My uncle slashed his boot and foot when his axe slipped when log-cutting and nearby bled to death. Between Miss Gray and dad they attended him for two hours until the doctor arrived. They massaged his heart and administered spirits to his lips. The doctor wryly said that they had used enough spirits to keep a horse alive! My uncle recovered despite the significant consumption of the abovementioned spirits.Clive Emery continues with his memories:Clive Emery: When my siblings and I were young we suffered from all the usual diseases common to the schoolchildren of the day. Complaints like measles, blight, mumps, whooping-cough, croup, diphtheria, and sometimes constipation plagued us during our school days.  With four of us going to school at one time, if one caught the measles, the rest had to stay at home and mother, realising it would go through the house. She boarded us all in the one room so we would all catch it at the one time, and not be home for weeks on end. She was a good organiser, as time proved, and in no time our faces were spotted like a peewit's egg.  What with all our complaints and bruises I often wondered how we survived - the boys especially - because of the accidents we sustained. I think we only survived because dad was our doctor. (By a strange coincidence I have his elementary medical book in my library!)Perhaps one of the most painful things was a succession of boils I managed to contract on my limbs, and red streaks appeared at the nearest glands, be they in the groin or in the armpit, and they swelled. Boils had to run their course, and mother prepared hot poultices of bread and sugar to apply, to bring them to the bursting stage as soon as possible, when dad took over and opened them with his razor. They were so painful the limb had to be supported in a sling.At dad's judgement of the 'right time', a dish of hot water with salt was brought and the offending boil dipped therein until the pain equalled that of the infection. More hot water was brought and the bathing continued until the swelling burst and dad applied pressure to exude the matter and the wound cleansed with more salt water and bound up to heal.It was not until the advent of penicillin that boils just withered away.For bodily complaints castor oil was administered with the desired results, while cuts were healed by a single administration of kerosene, for that valuable commodity was responsible for dad's successes with his stock as well as his family - that and salt!’

Winter with the Werri Beach/Gerringong Garden Club
Winter with the Werri Beach/Gerringong Garden Club

23 July 2024, 5:25 AM

The Werri Beach/Gerringong Garden Club reports that this winter season has brought massive winds, cold temperatures, and plenty of rain, necessitating extra care for both gardens and gardeners. Recently, the club was thrilled to host Andrew Koster from The Rose Tree Garden Centre at their meeting, where he showcased a variety of plants that thrive during the chilly months.Andrew shared his extensive industry experience and highlighted numerous winter-flowering plants he brought along. Among the admired selections were cheerful bright bidens flowers, winter-flowering grevilleas, dwarf philothecas, and fabulous flowering ground covers. The delicate Pretty n Pink protea was another popular choice, adding attractiveness to winter gardens. Additionally, the array of differently colored lavenders, which endure winter beautifully, captured the interest of many attendees. By the end of the meeting, Andrew’s trolley of plants was significantly depleted as members eagerly made purchases.Delicate Pretty n Pink ProteaThis week, the club’s coffee morning in Berry included a visit to The Rose Tree Garden Centre, where members anticipate discovering more tempting offerings from Andrew.Winter need not be a dreary season in the garden, as demonstrated by the vibrant displays of flowers and plants from members’ own gardens at the meeting. This month’s striking showcase featured gorgeous orange aloe arborescents, pretty pink bottlebrush, hibiscus, stunning heucheras, and more. The snowdrops and begonias from Janice’s garden were especially charming.Vibrant Bidens flowersThe Werri Beach Gerringong Garden Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at the Uniting Church Hall in Gerringong. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, August 14, featuring speakers Ros and John from Zephyr Lavender. Morning tea will be served from 9:30 am onwards, with the meeting starting at 10 am.

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