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Safety concerns for school bus

The Bugle App

Cassandra Zaucer

30 May 2023, 1:28 AM

Safety concerns for school bus

Parents of Shellharbour Anglican College students are calling on Kiama MP Gareth Ward to intervene after Transport NSW refused to fix an unsafe and overcrowded public school bus that services south of the school.


Katharine Haynes, a mum of an 8 year old daughter and 11 year old son who ride the bus to the end of the line in Kiama, was amazed when she saw no seatbelts on the bus, which travels on the highway, and up to 19 students standing in the aisle.

 “That was the week before that terrible bus accident in Victoria. If that happens to this bus, it would be tragic,” Katharine says.


According to Katharine, Shellharbour Anglican College premeditated the overcrowding last year and had an application sent to Transport NSW for extra buses.

It was declined due to students having reasonable access to a train station.

“What they didn’t take into account is that Shellharbour Anglican College is not just a high school but a primary school as well. I don’t think any primary school aged kids should be getting a train where there is no supervision at all,” Katharine says.

“The train doesn’t work for high school students either because they finish 15 minutes later and miss the train.


“The only solution is more buses and safer buses.”

 Parents have been concerned since the start of the year and have been in conversation with the school, but after Victoria’s horror bus crash that saw several students face life changing injuries, they want action now.


“When the school gets knocked back by Transport NSW, what do they do then? It’s a State Government issue now,” Katharine says.


“Gareth Ward needs to make a petition to Transport NSW and they need a review across the State because this is a much bigger issue than just our school bus.

“If it’s an issue here then I imagine it will be in other places too.”


Mr Ward describes the situation as “totally unacceptable” and, in response to Katharine, has launched an online petition to ensure all school buses in the Kiama electorate are fitted with a seatbelt.


“Every child should have a seat and a seat belt,” Mr Ward said.  

 “We can’t have kids not protected when travelling to school, especially on roads with high speed limits.  


“I encourage parents and our local school community to sign my petition urging the NSW Government to act now and expand the NSW Rural and Regional Bus Seatbelt Program to ensure every child gets to school safely.”

He has also put a question on notice to Parliament, asking Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison to reveal how many buses are operating without a seatbelt and when all buses will be situated with one. An answer is due on 29 June.

Shellharbour Anglican College was approached for comment.

Sign the petition here.